Here's her story

She's a ten year-old very healthy, VERY friendly Siamese, she's mostly dark chocolate with darker points and pale blue eyes...she's fat and happy. Her previous owner brought her to my vet to be euthanized. Why? Because the new poodles the woman got don't like her. She's had the cat for ten years. TEN YEARS. And she wanted this perfectly healthy animal put down because she didn't want to be bothered having to keep them separate all the time.

My vet said no way. They're keeping her and looking for a home. If I didn't already have five cats, she'd be with me now. She's so sweet I can't stand it. Just a big fluffy sweetheart of a cat. And she's beautiful in person, my crappy phone pic did not do her justice. She's had all her bloodwork done, shots, she's fixed...she's as ready to go as any cat could be.

If you are within driving distance of New Haven, CT and you'd like to meet her...let me know via email, stark23x at gmail dot com and I'll get you the contact info. If you have a me out by linking to this post.

So I thought my cable modem was dying...I was getting 5-15 minutes an hour of slow access, and a call to the Comcast office told me there was no network issues locally. My cable modem is a old 3Com "sharkfin" in tech terms it's an Edsel. But it's always worked...until the other night. So I made an appointment late Thursday night for a guy to come out Saturday

Except the problem cleared up early Friday and traffic has been steady and fast ever since. When it was borked, I pinged the few local IP numbers I know of inside the New Haven Comcast offices...slower than molasses. Now everything's speedy. Ergo: local routing problem at the office. Why not just tell me? Why not at least check first to see if Hamden/New Haven is having a local problem before sending a tech out to my house with a new piece of equipment?

Sometimes private companies work like the government, I swear. Especially cable companies.