Unity is the catch-phrase for the DNC convention:

Despite the looming terrorism threat, the convention's message was relentlessly upbeat, underscoring the unity behind Kerry as the man Democrats hope will drive Bush from office.

Democrats stress unity in Boston

Much of Connecticut's convention delegation arrived Sunday, attending a welcome reception at the city's Museum of Fine Arts. All said they sensed unity behind U.S. Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass. and singleness of purpose in desire to win back the White House.

Across the spectrum of Democrats - from the far left of antiwar, antiglobalization activism to the more conservative, pro-business wing - party members are heading into their national convention with the strongest sense of unity in generations.

The platform agreed to by Democrats, which will be adopted on Tuesday, underscored both Mr. Kerry's dominance over the party and the unity on display here.

More than a dozen delegates and volunteers from congressional districts in Southwest Florida are bound for Beantown to strategize with fellow Democrats and celebrate a unity they acknowledge hasn't been with them for a while.

And unlike past years, where the party tore itself apart in the nomination battle, Mr Kerry won the nod after a relatively bloodless slate of state contests that left the Democrats with an unusual degree of unity.

Also buoying Democrats is their unity and Kerry's unprecedented fund-raising success, which has sharply reduced a customary Republican advantage.

Delegates assemble in spirit of unity

Unity was the word of the day. "There are no disputes among the candidates; there is unanimous support for Sen. Kerry, (and) there are few platform debates," Richardson said. The convention "has generated more volunteers and more enthusiasm than any convention we've ever had."

Question: If they have to constantly talk about it, do they really have it?