On to the future

"A clear and positive plan. Government should help people improve their lives, not run them"

"Steady, consistant leadership." These are carefully chosen words that contrast Kerry's changing positions over the last eight months.

"America's story is one of expanding liberty." He is saying his next four years will not be isolationist.

Economic factors and job factors have changed dramatically. Current government plans are not designed for the new economic/job environment.

In order to create jobs, America must be business friendly.

Restrain Federal spending: He is going to have to keep this promise or the President in 2008 WILL be a Democrat.

Decrease dependence on foreign energy: he doesn't say how.

Protect against frivolous lawsuits: a dig against VEEP nominee John Edwards

Fix current tax code: A simpler, fairer, pro-growth system. What does that mean? A bi-partisan effort to reform and simplify the tax code...in what way?

Tax relief to economically hard hit "opportunity zones" that will help create jobs.

Focus on small businesses. Give them ability to join together to get big-company benefits.

Health savings accounts. Direct help for low-income.

Medical liability reform must be passed.

Decisions must be made by doctors and patients, not bureuacrats

Comp-time and flex-time: a family friendly workplace

Increased home ownership. What is an "ownership society?"

Social security reform: Strengthen it by allowing younger worker to set a portion aside in a savings account.

These are not programs but a path to help.